Cineplex Odeon

The Economics of the Movie Business

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Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Being a senior student means:
You love seeing movies
especially at movie theaters like CINEPLEX ODEON.

You may grudgingly pay around $12 for a ticket, but a movie is a movie, and you are generally guaranteed a good time. 
This is the element of Demand.  If refers to the various quantities of a good/service that people will be willing and able to purchase at various prices during a period of time.  
But what if the price of a movie suddenly skyrocketed to
Or consider if your usual Small Popcorn went from $4.75 to $8.00 instead. 
As the price of a product goes DOWN, the quantity demanded increases, and as the price of a product goes UP, the quantity demanded decreases.  However, movie theaters raise prices MINUTELY.
Looking at the prices of movie tickets/food, someone may think twice about seeing the newest flick...especially if the movie isn't "worth it".

Note: there is an inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded

The factors that shift demand include:


If you receive a pay increase, your demand for movies will increase because you can be more frivolous with your money
If you have a pay decrease, your demand for movies will decrease because you likely can't afford to spend money on entertainment.

Prices of Related Goods:

1) Substitutes: goods that can replace each other e.g Large Popcorn + a Small Fries both=$5.00
The price of Popcorn increases, so the demand for Fries increases
The price of Popcorn decreases, so the demand for Fries decreases.

2) Complements: goods that go together e.g. Chocolate Bar + some Candy
The cost of Chocolate Bars decreases, so the demand for Candy decreases
The cost of Candy increases significantly, so the demand for Chocolate Bars increases.


Consumers want to see the newest action/romance/drama/comedy movie, so demand for movies increases
There aren't any "good" movies coming out, so demand for movies decreases.



It's July and theatres are preparing for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II to come out, so demand for tickets increases
For 4 months, theaters only show movies that appear "stupid", "boring", or "lame", so demand for tickets decreases.


More people (especially senior students) move to your town/city, so demand for a movie theater increases
Many senior students in your town/city move away to attend college/university/work, so demand for a movie theater decreases.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Opportunity Cost

As a senior student, you make economic choices daily.


Imagine you want to watch a movie at the local movie theater.  

You first have to consider the price of Admission:
General (14-64) $11.75
Child (3-13) $8.99
Senior (65+) $8.99
OR whether you want to see the movie in 3D:
3D General (14-64) $14.75
3D Child (3-13) $11.99
3D Senior (65+) $11.99

However, seeing a movie also involves purchasing food and drink. 


As the consumer you have to consider: what size drink/popcorn you want, the quantity of each item, and if you want to also purchase other food items such as chocolate, candy, ice cream, hot dogs, fries, etc.
Here is a list of food/drink prices for a normal theatre 
S-$4.50 M-$4.75 L-$5.00
S-$4.75 M-$5.25 L-$5.00
Chocolate Bar
Ice Cream
S-$3.50 M-$3.75 L-$4.00
Hot Dog
S-$5.00 M-$6.00 L-$6.25 

Imagine you only have a budget of $30.00.  How will you spend your money?

This is the dilemma of opportunity cost.

Opportunity cost refers to the alternative(s) that is/are sacrificed when (a) choice(s) is/are made.  Other examples of opportunity cost involved with this scenario include: if you only have a certain amount of time to watch a movie, or if you have an economics test tomorrow but choose to see a late night movie instead.

Therefore, if you have a scarcity of time, money, etc. at a movie theater, you have to make choices based upon that scarcity.  Should I choose to watch a movie another night when I do not have to study for a test?  Should I buy the chocolate bar instead of the candy?  Should I purchase a Small pop/popcorn instead of a Large?

Each choice will provide
a low opportunity cost: the choice(s) made incur(s) a high benefit
a high opportunity cost: the choice(s) made incur(s) a low benefit 
to determine the best decision.